During the Bastogne siege, two young Belgian nurses braved constant danger while feverishly caring for countless American casualties. One of them, Renée Lemaire, was killed during a German bombing raid. The other nurse, Augusta Chiwy, was lucky and survived. Augusta was the daughter of a Belgian veterinarian and an African mother from the Belgian colonies. “A black face in all that white snow was a pretty easy target,” she later kidded. “Those Germans must be terrible marksmen.” Despite racial objections from a few, Augusta ministered to hundreds of GIs, dressed their wounds, and boiled snow for water. Late in life, Augusta received a knighthood from the Belgian king and a high civilian honor from the US government. “What I did was very normal,” Augusta Chiwy insisted. “I would have done it for anyone. We are all children of God.” Augusta died at age 94 in 2015. As a special honor, soldiers of the US and Belgian armies guarded her coffin during an impressive service at the towering American Bulge Memorial in Bastogne.
